General Principles And Methods Of Teaching In Basic Schools Sem 2 Exams Section A UccCoDE 2020/2021

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1. A dyad can be described as

2. True cooperative learning in groups can be defined by all these elements except

3. All the under listed are types of case studies except

4. In conducting a case study, one cannot collect data from one of the following sources.

5. The word "simulated" means...

6. Motivation is very important because of all the under listed with the exception of ....

7. One of the under listed is not a daily sample routine for SHS students.

8. All are examples of "too much" behaviour of undesirable kind in the classroom except

14. These are all types of classroom communication except ...... communication.

15. Mayesky (1990) is of view that with the exception of ......... all the others are characteristics of play.

16. Apart from being fun, role play helps learners to do one of the following.

17. One of these is not part of the stages of field trips as a method of teaching.

18. Visiting museums and cemeteries will be under one of these subject areas.

19. Discovery learning is also known as ..... learning.

20. Classroom management strategies include all these except...

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