General Principles And Methods Of Teaching In Basic Schools Sem 2 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2022/2023

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1. The process of learning includes all of the following except

2. What name is given to the planned learning experiences that a school presents to its students in order to socialize them into the prevailing culture?

3. In Ghana, pupils in Primary 4 to Primary 6 are generally between the ages of

4. Which of the following is not a characteristics of Primary 2 pupils?

5. Which principle states that, "any response to which a learner is capable may be attached to any stimulation to which he/she is sensitive "?

6. The use of rewards in teaching is associated to the works of

7. Secondary or defined concepts cannot be learned without the use of suitable language.

8. Reception learning is a type of learning where most of the classroom decisions are controlled by pupils.

9. A teaching content is valid when it is true or authentic at the time of instruction.

10. The principle of Analog refers to the predisposition to act in a given way.

11. Which of the following teaching methods is used when a teacher wants to explain complex issues to pupils?

12. According Farrant (1980), teachers must ensure that teaching objectives meet at least one of the following criteria.

13. An activity with a goal, rule and lots of fun is termed

14. Which type of teaching method can be traced to the work of John Dewey?

15. The form of reasoning in which you analyse specific facts or instances and then draw a general conclusion is termed?

16. Which of the following is not a component of the curriculum?

17. Meaningful teaching is associated to ....

18. How many steps are in reception learning?

19. A teacher draws the scheme of work from the ...

20. A learning environment full of pictures, charts, models, species, films, tapes, display boards and a lot of learning materials is termed

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