Health And Physical Fitness Ucc Exams 2021 Section B

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Answer any TWO questions from this Section.

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Question 1.
(a) Explain five effects of tobacco use on the health of the youth [20 Marks]
Explain the following factors that affect growth in wellness [10 Marks]
i. Awareness
ii. Assessment
iii. Knowledge
iv. Support
v. Motivation


Question 2
Explain six Physiological and Psychological benefits of Physical Fitness. [12 Marks]
List four factors that influence individual’s heart rate. [8 Marks]
List five risk factors of cardiovascular diseases that can be controlled [10 Marks]


Question 3
Identify three alcohol-related problems associated with each of the following components of an individual. [12 Marks]
i.) Health
ii) Social
(b) Explain four factors that influence the consumption of alcohol. [12 Marks]
List three ways to minimize alcohol consumption among the youth. [6 Marks]


Question 4
Differentiate between walking and running. [2 Marks]
List six factors to consider when planning for a recreation exercise programme. [12 Marks]
List four precautionary measures to observe when planning exercise activities for school
children. [8 Marks]
Explain any two social benefits of engaging in group exercise. [8 Marks]

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