Health, Safety and Social Issues in Schools Sem 1 Quiz 1 Ucc Code 2022/2023

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1. Which of the following class of nutrients helps in creating hormones and enzymes to keep our cellular machinery running smoothly?

2. All the following statements about food are true except ....

3. When a person experiences inadequate vitamins or minerals, overweight, obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases, such a person is undergoing

4. ............ provides the needed antibodies and other immune cells that help the body to cope with inflammation and infection.

5. A basic responsibility for every parent, caregiver or teacher toward children include provision of

6. The process whereby adequate energy and nutrients in terms of right amount, mix and timeliness are provided for young children is termed as

7. All the following statements are true except

8. According to European Food Safety Authority, one of the functions of food supplement is that, it is

9. One of the food safety practices learners must be introduced to, is

10. Which of the following activities improves sensory experience and language enrichment among children?

11. Which of these places has an impact on children's growth, interaction, intellectual activities and friendship?

12. The concept which focuses on making the environment and its materials accessible to all pupils is known as

13. In an indoor learning environment, materials and furnishings, colour and texture are examples of ...... features.

14. When the learning environment is attractive and aesthetically pleasing, it ...

15. A school gardening project for children have all these benefits except

16. An outdoor environment daily checks an early childhood teacher must conduct include all the following except

17. All these are ways parents' suggestions could be incorporate into instructional practices except

18. During grouping of children, it is important to ....

19. ......... provide learners with the opportunity to manage their own materials, demonstrate their capabilities and be successful.

20. Which of these statements is not true? A teacher helps children in the development of friendships by

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