Health, Safety and Social Issues in Schools Sem 2 Exams Ucc Code 2021/2022 Past Questions & Answers

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1. Which of the following is not true about the food we are supposed to eat everyday?

2. Which of the following serves as a diversity of critical functions to ensure our bodies function as optimally as possible?

3. One of these factors form a major part of a positive pregnancy experience.

4. All the following can be barriers to breastfeeding in Ghana except

5. Young children, below the age of.............need to be given food every two to three hours

6. Handling, storing and preparing food to prevent infection and to ensure that food keeps enough nutrients is termed as food

7. Any space that is allocated for learning and teaching that needs proper attention to ensure the effectiveness and improvement of learning outcomes is known as

8. When teachers place traditional desks and chairs around the wall of the classroom, they create

9. An environment that promotes positive peer interaction is one in which children are crowded and are also provided with a variety of socially oriented materials

10. Teacher-initiated activities allow the children to follow their interests and explore their passions.

11. Heterogeneous groups offer opportunities for all learners to learn positive social skills and communication skills from their peers.

12. The temporal environment comprises the schedule of activities such as arrival, play time, meal time, rest time, both small- and large-group activities, and the numerous transitions that hold them all together.

13. Emotional neglect among children includes refusal of or delay in seeking health care, abandonment and refusal to allow a runaway to return home.

14. One of the following can be considered as the highest risk procedure for transmission of pathogens between children and workers at daycare centres.

15. The type of services that seek to guarantee the right of all children to a life free from violence, abuse, exploitation as well as developmental challenges can be termed as child

16. ................requires responding to the diversity of needs among all learners, through increasing participation in learning, cultures and communities.

17. The social drive with the aim of reducing violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of children is called

18. Which of the following activities improves sensory experience and language enrichment among children?

19. The concept which focuses on making the environment and its materials accessible to all pupils is known as Universal Design for

20. All these are long-term consequences of child abuse except


Question 1
(a) Discuss any five practices you would undertake to ensure food safety during food preparation in your early childhood centre. (10 marks)
(b) Explain any five food safety practices you will observe at mealtimes in your early childhood centre. (10 marks)


Question 2
(a) Describe three guidelines for setting up an indoor environment for children. (6 marks)
(b) What three ways can a teacher use to make the indoor environment safe for children? (6 marks)
(c) Define and explain the meaning of an outdoor learning environment. (4 marks)
(d) State any two importance of outdoor learning environment. (4 marks)

Question 3
State any ten hand washing and diaper changing techniques.  (20 marks)

Question 4
State and explain five ways of promoting equity and diversity in the classroom. (20 marks)

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