Health, Safety And Social Issues of Schools Year 2 Ucc Exams Section B

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SECTION B – 40 Marks

Answer only TWO questions from this Section.

Question 1
a) State four strategies to adopt to prolong the life span of first aid tools and materials. [8 Marks]
b) List any three common wounds that can be sustained by children. [6 Marks]
c) Describe three ways to prevent injuries among pre-school children. [6 Marks]

Question 2
a) State any four health challenges associated with poor nutrition in children. [8 Marks]
b) Explain any three maternal factors that affect the health of children. [12 Marks]

Question 3
a) Explain any three actions that can be taken by the school community to build a healthy
school environment. [12 Marks]
b) State four environmental management strategies the school head can use to protect,
conserve and sustain the school environment. [8 Marks]

Question 4
a) Explain three reasons for having structured programmes in schools for children. [12 Marks]
b) Discuss the role of the school nurse in the health and safety of children. [8 Marks]

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