HIV/AIDS And Other Endemic Diseases In Africa Sem 2 Exams Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. Which of the following information is obtained when one goes for HIV/AIDS counselling and testing?

2. Which type of HIV-1 was discovered among Cameroon women?

3. Which of these is a reliable way of knowing if you have HIV?

4. Which one of the following is classified as an opportunistic disease?

5. When you go for an HIV test, the healthcare professional will share your result with

6. Pathogen is an organism that causes discases to its host with the severity of the disease symptoms being referred to as...

7. A person suffering from diabetes may present the following characteristics?

8. HIV is widely believed to have originated in....

9. Budgetary pressures in health care worsen as HIV patients report to hospitals with ....... diseases.

10. What is HIV? The

11. Which of the following persons defined discrimination as the positive or negative behaviour towards a social group and its members?

12. If you have taken an HIV test already, then you don't need to do it again.

13. At which stage of HIV infection does one experience swollen lymph nodes in the neck?

14. Which of these are reasons to take an HIV test?

15. Which one of the modern communication strategies used in managing HIV/AIDS uses smartphones and tablets?

16. Which of the following is not considered as a common method of transmission for HIV?

17. What is AIDS?

18. Socio-cultural conditions that lead to the spread of HIV among males and females include all the under-listed except

19. Many people infected with HIV would rather suffer in silence than tell friends or family about their illness.



Question 1
a. Define the term War (5 marks)
b. State any three categories of war (15 marks)

Question 2
Discuss any FOUR impacts of COVID-19 on education (20 marks)

Question 3
Discuss any five reasons why men should be involved in HIV/AIDS prevention programmes. (20 marks)

Question 4
a. What is sexual abuse (5 marks)
b. Discuss any five factors that contribute to sexual abuse. (15 marks)

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