HIV/AIDS And Other Endemic Diseases In Africa Sem 2 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. The first AIDS case in Ghana was reported in

2. Which one of the following theories states that hunters who killed and butchered chimpanzees were exposed to SIV through their animals' blood?

3. Which HIV Virus came from a Simian Immuno Deficiency virus (SIV) found in Chimpanzees?

4. The origin of HIV is linked to which country?

5. Modern strategies for managing HIV/AIDS exclude

6. When men are involved in the prevention strategies of HIV/AIDS, it will benefit women and girls from primary prevention of

7. A review of HIV information provided at the pre-test counselling session is done at the beginning of which stage of counselling?

8. Which of the following is odd. Comprehensive counselling and testing have the potential to

9. Eukaryote is a bacterium which cells contain a membrane within a nucleus

10. What term is given to an infection which is constantly maintained at the baseline level in a geographical area without external inputs?

11. Every living organism is affected by pathogens except phages

12. Which of the following causes diseases to its host?

13. A person with high level of glucose may be suffering from

14. Who argued that polio vaccines were made from cells of infected chimpanzees!

15. The following symptoms are experienced at what stage of HIV infection? Being tired all the time, shortness of breath, and severe long - lasting diarrhea.

16. Diabetes may present all the following symptoms, except

17. The oldest HIV sample was taken by...

18. HIV-2 came from the sooty mangabey money found in which part of the world?

19. The use of the internet to send educational health - related content in various forms to HIV/AIDS patients is termed

20. The only organisms that are not eukaryote are

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