Human Land Issues In Social Studies Ucc Mid Sem Quiz 2023

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1. In order to address the weaknesses under land registration processes in Ghana, the government has put in place a systematic and compulsory registration of all interest land called ....

2. What colour is used to present water bodies on a physical map?

3. The term "cadastral" is derived from which word?

4. An important attribute of an arbitrator is that he/she ....

5. Maps showing continents or the entire world are examples of ...

6. Lines that connect points that have equal elevation on maps are called

7. Under which of the following land conflict resolution approaches will the third-party blend consultation and mediation strategies to help factions to negotiate?

8. Scientific cartography was kept alive in Europe during the Dark ages by ...

9. Which of the following is odd about lines of longitudes?

10. The most appropriate land conflict resolution strategy to employ when the conflict has created prejudices and hostility is ...

11. The scale of a map in a statement form is 1cm to 2.5km. If the map distance between two points A and C is 10.5cm, what is the ground distance in kilometres?

12. Under moderation as a land conflict resolution strategy, the moderator only influences the

13. A series of approximately concentric closed contour lines represent ....

14. Which of the following coutries is noted in the history of Cartography for producing the first printed map?

15. Which of these divisions under the Lands Commission is the solely responsible for the preparation of parcels of land and boundary demarcations for land title registration?

16. Which among the following map scales does not have a unit of measurement but has the distance to be constantly one?

17. The first step in land conflict resolution is

18. Which one among the following is not a division under the new Lands Commission?

19. One distinguishable feature of the consensual approaches is that the outcome is exclusively defined by the parties.

20. One significant feature of a large-scale map is that it represents a small portion of the Earth's surface but shows a great amount of detail.

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