Information Literacy Skills Sem 1 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2021/2022 Questions And Answers

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1. All these are factors to consider when evaluating information except

2. The moral, economic and legal conducts surrounding the access and use of information is known as

3. The overall impact of user education in information literacy course is for users to become

4. Which of the following Institutions acts as the National Library in Ghana?

5. ........ library takes care of the cultural and occupational needs of a community.

6. In considering the relevance of an article, one needs to look at the length of the publication.

7. Which of the following reference materials will you consult when you want current information on a topic/subject?

8. A summary of an article is known as a/an...

9. Which of the following will you consult in your search for topics that have been researched on for doctoral thesis?

10. Which material is synonymous to a dictionary?

11. Which of the following will you consider as the competencies of Information Literacy Skills?

I Evaluate information
I. Explain the details of information
III. Identify an information need
IV. Search for information

12. Which library is described as the nerve-center of Tertiary Educational Institutions?........ library

13. Which type of library would the Supreme Court of Ghana fall under?

14. Which reference materials provide general background and historical information?

15. Which of the categories of library has a stable collection of resources?

16. ..........._library compiles the nation's bibliography.

17. Which of the under-listed is not a skill of an information literate person?

18. One does not need to be physically present to use the ..... library.

19. A reference material that indicates where information can be found is called a/an

20. An OPAC can commonly be found in ....... libraries.

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