Information Literacy Skills Sem 2 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2020/2021

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1. The Encyclopedia Americana is an example of a general encyclopedia.

2. Digital libraries can be termed as ........ libraries.

3. The ........ library engages in "International Exchange" as one of its functions.

4. Which of the following reference materials indicates where to get information, but does not contain the information itself?

5. My collections are made up in the main of "pamphlets, magazines, journals and technical papers". What am I? ........ library.

6. "I am the heart of any information retrieval system". What am I?

7. The ........ section is where one finds encyclopaedias, dictionaries, atlases etc, in a library.

8. The main aim of the information literacy skills course is to make students

9. A/an ......... contains authoritative summary of information.

10. ........... is a common feature in the evaluation of reference materials.

11. Which of the following is not true of the reference collections in libraries?

12. Which of the following materials is Konadu likely to consult if he needs updated information on statistics and facts on a text book?

13. Which of the under-listed is considered as a print material?

14. An example of a directional tool is a/an

15. Which reference material is considered as an annual compendium of data and statistics?

16. This reference material indicates "trends in development"

17. The classification of libraries into categories is based on the .......... of a library.

18. An abstract is a ............ of some information.

19. The University of Cape Coast Library is a traditional library.

20. Which will you consider as the most appropriate in terming a library as "Special"?

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