Introduction to Guidance And Counselling Sem 2 Exams Section A Ucc CoDE 2020/2021

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1. A person who has no regard for people who do not belong to his or her religion is considered as a/an....

2. Which of the following would be the best method to use if you had to collect follow-up data for a pupil who used to be truant in school?

3. Which of the following best describes the Referral Service?

4. One of the characteristics of mentally retarded children is that they .....

5. Which of the following is not true about the purpose of group counselling? Helps group members to

6. Which of the following is not a guidance strategy for dealing with unapproved or indecent behaviour?

7. Listening may be defined as a skill that involves three processes or stages. What are the three stages?

I. Sending a message
Il, Receiving a message
III. Processing a message

8. If a student steals frequently, the teacher has to

9. Which of the following is the odd one out with regard to how peers influence each other?

10. All the following are reasons children steal except

11. All the following are counselling strategies to deal with children who show signs of mood disorders except

12. If a child looks unhappy, quiet and disinterested in many things for a long time, he is most likely to be

13. All the following cause sexual deviations among children except .....

14. Deviant behaviours of pupils must be of concern to teachers because such behaviours:

I. Interrupt the child's own learning or that of his/her classmates
Il. Help improve the child's interactions with the teacher and classmates
IlI. May constitute a risk to the child's safety or that of others 
IV. May result in loss or damage to school equipment or personal belongings.

15. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of individual counselling?

16. The counsellor who allows clients to misbehave and do whatever they want is non-judgmental.

17. Role-play involves counsellor going into the homes of children and playing significant roles to solve their problems.

18. Listening is important in counseling because it creates a good atmosphere for counsellor and client to interact well.

19. African Traditional Religion has a specific leader that all their members follow.

20. Processing a client's message is a covert activity.

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