Introduction to Guidance And Counselling Sem 2 Exams Section A Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. The attitude of recognizing the value, dignity and worth of people is known as ....

2. Which of the following is an advantage of individual counselling?

3. Which of the following is not true about the purpose of group counselling? Helps group members to ....

4. Educational counselling focuses on all the following except....

5. If a student steals frequently, the teacher has to ....

6. A person who has no regard for people who do not belong to his or her religion is considered as .....

7. All the following are counselling strategies to deal with children who show signs of mood disorders except

8. Which of the following is a core condition of counselling?

9. The purpose of the Appraisal Service in schools is to help. ......

10. Which of the following issues are discussed in consultation with parents?

11. Aggression among children can be controlled using any of the following except .....

12. What three things could you do to show that you accept somebody?

I. Allow them to do whatever they want to do always
Il. Listen to them
III. Spend time with them
IV. Tell them that you are a very busy person
V. Tell them you care

13. Deviant behaviours of pupils must be of concern to teachers because such behaviours

I. Interrupt the child's own learning or that of his/her classmates
II. Have negative effects on the child's interactions with the
teacher and classmates
III. May constitute a risk to the child's safety or that of others
IV. May result in loss or damage to school equipment or personal

14. The following are principles of play therapy except ....

15. Some of the undesirable behaviours of mentally retarded children in class are

I. slow learning rate
II. paying little attention in class
III. come to school only to play
IV. being aggressive; showing negative feelings toward self.

16. African Traditional Religion does not have a specific leader that all their members follow.

17. Receiving and processing your client's message are overt activities.

18. Mentally retarded children are slow in learning.

19. Religion acts as "societal glue" that unifies members of a community.

20. The Follow-Up service helps the client to be aware of what happens to the counsellor after counselling.

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