Language And Linguistics Sem 1 Exams Section A Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. Written communication skills are fundamental to the development of literacy and essential for thinking and learning.

2. In animals, language is primarily an exchange between stimulus and response.

3. There are four initiators used in spoken language.

4. In the production of a bilabial consonant, the lower and upper lips approach or touch each other.

5. All human languages use the pulmonic ingressive airstream.

6. Who rejected the classical view that the structure of language reflects the structure of thought?

7. Which property of language states that there is no special connection or necessity between what words stand for and the words themselves?

8. Which characteristic of language indicates that speakers are also receivers of information under usual circumstances?

9. The way which speech sounds are produced is known as

10. What involves the bending and re-bending of words and ideas until they complement one another?

11. Which of the functions of language involves the ordering of the symbols that are available to speech and writing?

12. The act of using photographs, art, drawings, sketches, charts and graphs to convey information is referred to as ...... communication.

13. According to Jakobson, which function of language keeps the channel of communication open?

14. Words that are spoken differently, but are spelled the same are referred to as

15. The way in which the passage of lung air is restricted during the production of speech sounds is known

16. In the production of a ....... consonant, the lower lip approaches or touches the upper teeth.

17. Which organ of speech is referred to as the voice box?

18. Which of the following is not a type of lexical relationship?

19. How many criteria are used in describing vowels?

20. Which speech organ lies between the mouth and the food passage?

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