Language And Linguistics Sem 1 Quiz 1 UccCoDE 2020/2021

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1. Language is considered as a simple system of communication, spoken or written, verbal or non-verbal.

2. According to Sapir, language uses only sounds and written symbols for communication.

3. In animals, language is primarily an exchange between stimulus and - response.

4. Not all languages have both spoken and written channels.

5. The phatic function of language keeps the channel of communication open.

6. The ability to make sentences knowing that they are false is known as

7. Human language is medium transferrable means that one can communicate either by

8. Jakobson's function of language which focuses on and is concerned with influencing the behaviour of the addressee is referred to as the ...... function.

9. The function of language which brings people together is referred to as

10. The transmission of information through the use of body language, gestures and facial expressions is referred to as

11. Which property of language enables all human beings to learn language?

12. What is referred to as the Sumerian invention?

13. The ability to use speech to refer to things which do not relate to what is being discussed makes it

14. Which of the following is not a factor that can affect communication?

15. Which of Jakobson's functions of language relates to the "addresser"?

16. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an effective communication?

17. Around which period was writing invented?

18. Which of the following is not part of the four language rules which are shared socially?

19. Which of the following is not a property of language that is shared by both humans and animals?

20. Which property of language enables us to use different examples to explain one issue?

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