Language And Linguistics Sem 1 Quiz 1 UccCoDE 2021/2022

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1. Speech development is a gradual process but does not require years of practice!

2. Writing requires strong awareness of abstract concepts like purpose and audience.

3. Pauses are used to indicate that there is a stop or not in speech.

4. Spoken language is made up of graphemes.

5. Humans are able to construct and interpret new signals in the language.

6. Which linguist rejected the classical view that the structure of language reflects the structure of thought?

7. Which property of language states that there is no special connection between words and what they stand for?

8. Which linguist laid emphasis on spoken language in his definition of language?

9. Using language to talk about language which involves ability to speak of abstract things is referred to as

10. The ability of language fo always change through the addition of neologisms, new words or old words with new meaning and the creation of slang make language ....

11. Which of Jakobson's functions of language corresponds to the factor of "context"?

12. The use of photographs, art, drawings, sketches, charts and graphs to convey information is referred to as

13. Which of the following is a factor that does not affect communication?

14. The following are characteristics of effective communication except

15. Which of Jakobsen's functions of language is best illustrated by vocatives and imperatives?

16. The property of human language which makes it possible to distinguish one sound from the other and makes it different from one another is called

17. Whose definition of language states that "language is for communication and self-expression'?

18. "Linguistic signals do not serve any other purpose than to communicate something." Which characteristics of language is this?

19. How many different language rules are shared socially?

20. What are used to fill the gap between the making of the utterance and the utterance itself?

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