Literature In English – Prose Fiction (Principles of Prose Fiction) Sem 2 Exams Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. The following are character roles in a novel except

2. Which of the following is not a point of view technique?

3. A round character is also called

4. Animal Farm was written in

5. The Latin word "prosa" literary means

6. A literary genre that is purely imaginative and presented in everyday language in a narrative is called

7. The following are some common forms of non-fiction except

8. Who inspired the animals to rebel in Animal Farm?

9. One of the following helps to indicate the setting of Animal Farm.

10. The traditional court system that was set up in The Shadow of Imana, is called

11. The French is alleged to have been the brain behind the war because they

12. One dominant institution that fuelled the genocide in The Shadow of Imana is the

13. What role does Mr. Henry Denyi play in The Clothes of Nakedness?

14. The dominant setting of The Clothes of Nakedness is

15. The most inspiring female character in The Clothes of Nakedness is

16. Kwakye's The Clothes of Nakedness

17. The the literary writer's choice of words and its arrangement for special effect.

18. Kwakye's The Clothes of Nakedness is patterned on

19. All the following are themes in The Clothes of Nakedness except


Answer any Two questions from this Section
Each question carries 20 marks.


1.(a) Explain point of view to your pupils. (5 marks)
  (b) With reference to any text you have studied in this course, discuss three significance of third person point of view. [15 marks]


2. Explain three effects of the genocide on men in Tadjo’s In the Shadows of Imana. [20 marks]

3.Examine the symbolic roles of any two women in Kwakye’s The Clothes of Nakedness. [20 marks]

4. Orwell’s Animal Farm is considered as a political satire. With close reference to the text, explain the text as a political satire. [20 marks]

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