Literature In English – Prose Fiction Sem 2 Exams Ucc CoDE 2020/2021 Questions & Answers

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1. The following are character roles in a novel except

2. Which of the following is not a point of view technique?

3. A round character is also called

4. Animal Farm was written in

5. Who inspired the animals to rebel in Animal Farm?

6. One of the following helps to indicate the setting of Animal Farm.

7. From which tribe is the word Imana in The Shadow of Imana?

8. Which of the following is the ending stage of the plot?

9. Which reconciliatory approach is seen as the best in The Shadow of Imana: Travels in the heart of Rwanda?

10. Which of the following is a major character in The Shadow of Imana?

11. The traditional court system that was set up in The Shadow of Imana, is called

12. The number of people killed at Nyamata Church in The Shadow of Imana are plus or minus

13. One dominant institution that fulled the genocide in The Shadow of Imana is the

14. What role does Mr. Henry Denyi play in The Clothes of Nakedness? He

15. The most inspiring female character in The Clothes of Nakedness is

16. "Kill Me Quick" is the name of a spot. It is also a symbolic name of

17. Kwakye's The Clothes of Nakedness reflects

18. Placing Kanda and Nima side by side to bring out their differences in The Clothes of Nakedness is called

19. All the following are themes in The Clothes of Nakedness except

20. A motif is a symbolic image or idea that appears frequently in a story.

Section B [40 Marks]

Answer any two questions from this Section.

Each question carries 20 marks


1. With reference to any two texts you have studied in this course, discuss four literary significant setting in Prose Fiction.


2. Examine three circumstances within which Mystique Mysterious exploits individual characters in Kwakye’s The Clothes of Nakedness.


3. In Tadjo’s Shadow of mana, women are presented as the main victims of the genocide. With reference to the text, examine three instances in which women are portrayed as victims of the genocide.


4. With reference to Orwell’s Animal Farm, describe the point of view and discuss three literary effects of it in Prose Fiction

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