Management And Organizational Behaviour (BUS 813D) Sem 1 Exams 2023/2024 Ucc CoDE – Masters

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There are FIVE Questions in this paper. You MUST answer any FOUR questions out of the FIVE. Each question has 15 marks.

I) In academic circles, there is a common belief that there is no distinction between Administration and Management. In your view, give and explain four reasons why this is not true. [6 Marks]

II) In management, there are three major types of skills that are important at various levels.
Which of these skills is required at all levels of management? Give and explain two reasons for your answer [4 Marks]

III) In today’s world, it has been realised that the complexities of managerial environment would require a complete overhaul of management functions, roles and skills. Give and explain two reasons why this is the case [5 Marks]


It is usually said that Planning will be useful only when it is effectively implemented. Give and explain three techniques or ways that will make planning effective. [6 Marks]

II) Much as Planning has its own significance, there are various drawbacks that can make it fail.
Give and explain two importance of Planning and two limitations of Planning (4 marks)

III) In leading an organisation, a leader is likely to face two types of authorities: Formal and Informal within the organisations.

a) Give two differences between the two types of authorities [2 marks]

b) Which of these two will the leader find it easy to control. Give two reasons for your answer. [3 marks]



I) In January last year, two friends, Glorii and Gracee were employed in the Zenith Bank but by February 2024, it was found that their performances were poor due to low motivation. As a Manager, besides financial incentives, give three ways by which these two friends’ level of motivation can be improved [6 marks]

II) Glorii and Gracee’s poor performance was surprising considering the fact that in their previous job, they were the best performers as a result of their high level of motivation. Give and explain any theory of motivation that can possibly explain this phenomenon [3 marks]

III) Glorii and Gracee, were given huge financial bonus by their manager but this failed to motivate Glorii while Gracee was motivated and her performance went up two folds. Give and explain one motivational theory that can explain this. [3 marks]

IV) If you were the manager, will you sack Glorii or you will still maintain her. Give two reasons for your answer. [3 marks]


(Organizational conflict) 

Last week, the various Departmental Managers of KOWUS Company who were responsible for the company’s direction had disagreement about the workstyles and the budgets during an annual meeting as each head tried to protect his or her department’s interest. Under normal circumstances, this could have been resolved easily but the level of disagreements turned out to be more than expected, as it was characterized by violence, leading to destructive results.


i) Considering the high level of disagreement in KOWUS, do you think such a situation can be termed as organisational conflict. Give two reasons for your answer. [3 marks]

ii) What name can be given to such organisational conflict: Intra or Inter Group. Give two reasons for your answer [3 marks]

iii) It is known that the intensity and severity of inter or intra group conflict depends on a multitude of factors. Give and explain two possible factors that might have contributed to this conflict [4 marks]

iv) In your view, as a manager, give and explain two possible strategies that can be used to resolve this kind of conflict within KOWUS.  [5 marks]


(Stress management) 

i) In recent times, studies have demonstrated that married women often face work-related stress more than married men. Give and explain two major reasons why this is the case in the context of Africa. (4 marks)

ii) As a manager, give and explain three signs that will demonstrate that the women are more stressed than men in your company. (3 marks)

iii) Although married women are said to be more stressed at the work place, the benefits they derive from these stresses far outweigh that of men. Give and explain three benefits that stress bring to married women at the work place (3 marks)

iv) As a manager, suggest three ways by which the stress of the married women could be minimized. (3 marks)

v) Explain the difference between Burnout and Stress. (2 marks)

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