Organisational Behaviour Sem 2 Exams Ucc CoDE 2020/2021 Questions And Answers

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Answer any Two Questions from this section

Question 1

A. Explain any two motivation theories. [10 Marks]
B. List four factors that influence individual perception. [4 Marks]
C. Explain the perceptual processes [6 Marks]


Question 2
A. Explain five reasons why organizational behavior should be studied. [10 Marks]
B. Explain five determinants of job satisfaction. [10Marks]


Question 3
A. With one example each, explain any two personality traits. [10 Marks]
B. Give the main difference between Financial and Non-financial
rewards and give one example of each. [10 Marks]


Question 4
A. Explain the internal and external environments of an organization. [10 Marks]
B. Explain any four reasons why employers always want to have
more experienced employee working together with newly
recruited employee. [10 Marks]

Try answering ALL questions and click on SHOW ANSWERS at the bottom of the page to see the suggested answers. All the best!!

1. The "nerve center" or the living blood of every organization is termed as

2. Which of these is not part of the field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and organizational structure have on behavior within the organization?

3. Which of the following best explains the reason for conducting psychological test in an organization?

4. All the following are the main elements of organizational behavior except

5. A motivation theory which focuses on task performance is known as

6. The inner state that energizes, activates and directs the behavior towards certain goals is termed as

7. The main component of an organization that needs to be managed is ..

8. Ama is an employee who works with Asibi Ltd and she is much concerned about her job satisfaction. Which of the factors below will determine her job satisfaction?

9. The discontinuation of a reinforcement which leads to a progressive decline in the occurrence of a previously reinforced behavior is termed as

10. Motivation as inner burning passion is caused by ...

11. A form of reward that provide an employee a sense of accomplishment is .... reward

12. How many factors affect the perception of an individual?

13. Which of the following is not part of the expectancy theory of motivation?

14. Perception, which is the sensory experience of the world around us involves which of the following?

15. The degree to which our attention is attracted in a particular context is known as

16. The act of selecting, organizing and interpreting external stimuli is referred to as

17. Which of the following is a factor that influences individual perception?

18. The reverse of distinctive is known as ...

19. The type of people who see everything around them to be threatening and are always tensed, moody, self-conscious, depressed, and vulnerable are known as ...

20. Perception process in which information are sorted and categorized based on inmate and learned cognitive patterns is referred to as ..

Answer any Two Questions from this section

Question 1

A. Explain any two motivation theories. [10 Marks]
B. List four factors that influence individual perception. [4 Marks]
C. Explain the perceptual processes [6 Marks]


Question 2
A. Explain five reasons why organizational behavior should be studied. [10 Marks]
B. Explain five determinants of job satisfaction. [10Marks]


Question 3
A. With one example each, explain any two personality traits. [10 Marks]
B. Give the main difference between Financial and Non-financial
rewards and give one example of each. [10 Marks]


Question 4
A. Explain the internal and external environments of an organization. [10 Marks]
B. Explain any four reasons why employers always want to have
more experienced employee working together with newly
recruited employee. [10 Marks]

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