Performing Arts & Society Sem 1 Quiz 2 Ucc CoDE 2020 2021 Past Questions & Answers

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1. Which of the following is an acrophone?

2. Which of the following is not a function of aerophones in modern Ghanaian society?

3. Instruments from which sound is produced through a vibrating string are known as

4. Which part of an Idiophone vibrates to produce sound?

5. The part of the instrument that picks up the sound made by an instrument is called

6. Scats are syllables without lexical meaning used during the performance of

7. Which of the following is not used in the teaching and learning of drumming in Ghanaian societies?

8. Which of the following philosophers has noted that music and dance has the capacity to relate to the individual's feelings and thus it is a vital tool for the development of an individual's affect?

9. Simultaneous multidimensionality simply refers to the

10. Which of the following educational reviews has had the most profound effect on performing arts education in Ghana?

11. All children are musical.

12. The study of performing arts can take place only in formally structured spaces.

13. Informal education is based on a curriculum.

14. Repeating a behaviour because someone who put it up has received a reward is known as vicarious reinforcement.

15. The focus of apprenticeship in the performing art is skill acquisition.

16. Which of the following instruments is from Ghana?

17. Drums that can be held under the armpit when being played include

18. This man started writing for specific instruments for specific sound production to accompany his opera Orfeo.

19. The smallest instrument in the string section of the Western orchestra and which has the highest pitch is

20. Why is separating genetic and environmental influences in the children's acquisition of performing arts skills a challenge?

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