Principles And Practice Of Education Sem 1 Exams Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. All of the following are ways in which the community contributes to the education of the Ghanaian child except

2. It is said that if a person goes through education, that education should go through him/her. If this happens as expected, then that education can be described as

3. Undesirable consequences that students come in contact with in the process of obtaining a university degree can be considered as ..... of Education.

4. The invention of new things, ideas, techniques and incorporating them into existing culture is known as cultural

5. Which of the following is not a challenge of Child-Centred Education? It ....

6. As I visited a school, I saw students fighting for chairs because they were inadequate. This can be regarded as ....... related cause of indiscipline

7. First degree is the least qualification for a teacher in the secondary school. The plausible reason for this is that the teacher should have ....

8. When a student receives an intrinsic reward, he will work hard to accomplish task based on .....

9. Which of the following aims of education helps the individual to live in harmony with people?

10. Through education, royco dawadawa and royco shrimps are the same dawadawa and shrimps we know but they have been modernized to be like something new or different. This means there has been

11. All the following are subsystems of formal education except

12. Teaching should be spiral in nature, this means teaching should be from

13. In education, learners are supposed to be exposed to friendliness, respect for one another and authority, honesty and courage. Which aspect of development in education is responsible for this?

14. A set of well-defined practices intended to create safe, joyful. engaging classroom and school communities is known as ....... classroom approach to teaching.

15. The University of Cape Coast annually organizes workshop for newly recruited course tutors, this can be considered as

16. Manifest functions are recognized, observed, and intended consequences.

17. Education is believed to have originated from a Greek word "ducere".

18. Mr. Philip Aikins upon receiving his first quiz paper in Principle and Practice of Education decided not to eat the whole day. This can be described as internally imposed discipline.

19. Fostering of intrinsic motivation through the provision of leaning goals in English, foster in students a goal of becoming fluent in the English language rather than focusing on getting an A in the class.

20. The forerunners of Child-Centred Education include Rousseau, Pestalozzi. Froebel, Montessori and Dewey.

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