Procurement And Supply Contexts Sem 11 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2020/2021 Past Questions And Answers

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1. Trust-building is an example of which supply chain management development strategy?

2. Which of the following is an objective of purchasing?

3. The two main features that distinguish capital goods from other items produced by an organization are ...... and ........

4. According to Van Weele (1994), procurement functions can be summarized as

5. A key aspect of change in the procurement function is

6. Charted Institute of Procurement and Supply defines ......... as the flow of goods into production, through sourcing and purchasing, inbound transport, storage of materials and delivery to their point of use.

7. Which of the following influences procurement status in an organization?

8. The matrix structure provides the benefit of....

9. The financial thresholds beyond which procurement staff must refer decisions to higher authority falls under ....... in procurement.

10. A partnership offers the entrepreneur.....

11. One of the following is considered the largest expense borne by a typical manufacturer.

12. The feature of services which says that services are produced and consumed at the same time is known as

13. Customers purchase value by.....

14. The act of taking advantage of competitive pricing; standardizing specifications to make supplier switching easier; and using competitive bidding and/or buying-consortia to secure the best deals is known as

15. Operating costs cover which of these items?

16. Stakeholders that have direct ........ and commercial involvements with an organization are referred to as connected stakeholders.

17. Procurement that is carried out by end-users is referred to as

18. When procurement involves one off, transactional relationships it is considered.....procurement

19. Procurement can be considered a support service for ........ activities at the middle of development.

20. Flexibility and organizational learning is one of the benefits of the ....... structure.

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