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1. Research is a one-time event of data collection and reporting?
2. Research begins with a .....
3. The source of knowledge that involves the use of the senses by the individual is ...
4. The type of research that has the sole purpose of understanding and knowir the processes of a chosen phenomenon under study is known as ....
5. Which of these hypotheses is of most interest to the researcher?
6. Typically, if a researcher is conducting an experimental research, he/she has to formulate research guide the study.
7. One importance of literature review in research is to specifically identify where there is a gap in knowledge in a chosen area to be filled.
8. Which of the following sources of literature is a primary source?
9. Variables that vary in amount and are measured on the interval scale are
10. Under what condition will simple random sampling (SRS) be appropriate?
11. Sampling of participants for a descriptive research from a populatiali using non-probability procedure is likely to result in more representative sample than using a probability procedure
12. If a researcher collected data on two variables (XY) which are measured on the interval scale, which of the following correlation procedures would be appropriate for determining the relationship between the two variables?
13. When a researcher obtains a high positive correlation coeflicient between two variables, what does this result imply?
14. In a study, a researcher wants to determine the attitude of Basic School teachers' towards a particular policy of the Ministry of Education. Which research design is most appropriate for such study?
15. In an experimental research, which variable is the cause?
16. Which of the following designs is a pre- experimental design?
17. One property of true experimental designs that quasi experimental designs lack is ....
18. 18. What do you understand by "internal validity" in experimental research?
19. When a distribution of a set of observations is skewed. Which of the following measures of central tendency is appropriate in describing the distribution?
20. Recommendations of a study should not necessarily be based on the specific findings of the study.