Social Studies Wassce 2014 Past Questions & Answers

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1. A person with a positive self-image

2. One benefit Ghana derives from her membership of the Commonwealth of Nations is

3. In Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, a local footballer who realizes his dream of playing for a foreign team will be described as having satisfied his

4. A feature of democratic governance is

5. Members of the Commonwealth of Nations were once governed by

6. Traditional festivals are important in Ghana because they serve as

7. When people are forced to leave their country as a result of conflict, they become

8. Ghana has not been able to exploit her natural resources fully due to

9. Any legitimate, lawful and socially acceptable act one performs to earn a living is

10. An independent judiciary in Ghana is necessary because it

11. One major activity that threatens the physical environment in Ghana is

12. Knowledge of the effect of the vicious cycle of rapid population growth enables people to

13. Rights of citizens of Ghana can be curtailed when there is

14. The most important stage in the process of contracting marriage in the Ghanaian society is

15. To increase productivity, people in leadership positions must

16. One characteristic of people who achieve self-actualization is that, they

17. It is necessary for couples to respect each other's reproductive rights because

18. One consequence of marriage break-ups is

19. One benefit of sustained development in Ghana is that it

20. Reproductive health education for adolescents aims mainly at helping them to

21. One way of sustaining marriage in the Ghanaian society is for the couple to

22. International cooperation is based on the principle of

23. One objective of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) is to

24. One effect of global warming on the environment is the

25. A leader who takes advantage of his old age and experience to determine policies and decisions for a group is

26. The main aim of education is to

27. A condition for the smooth functioning of the principle of rule of law is

28. A significant measure taken in sustaining growth and development in Ghana is

29. The main goal of national development effort is to

30. To resolve parent-child conflict effectively, the parent must

31. Which of the following business enterprises has the capacity to raise huge capital by floating shares?

32. The best way to resolve conflicts in the Ghanaian society is through

33. Cultural practices such as widow hood rites and the 'trokosi' system need to be abolished mainly because

34. Economic activities found in most parts of Ghana are dictated by the

35. Peace building in the Ghanaian society can best be promoted through

36. The ultimate result of positive work attitude is

37. One effect of excessive logging and lumbering in Ghana is

38. One characteristic of autocratic leadership is that

39. The process of bringing up and looking after children to be useful citizens is

40. The government of Ghana undertakes industrialization in order to

41. A characteristic of a buoyant economy is the existence of

42. Most HIV/AIDS patients do not come out for treatment because

43. The process by which society is transformed to enable it meet new challenges is referred to as

44. A situation where a person hides his/her true identity and pretends to be what he/she is not is referred to as

45. The negative aspect of culture has the tendency to

46. A major characteristic of informal education is that

47. According to Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, man's basic needs are

48. Which of the following factors does not help an individual to develop self-confidence?

49. A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being with regard to the reproductive system is

50. Generation of power from water and the sun are indications of

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