Strategic Management Sem 2 Exams Ucc Code 2020/2021 Past Questions And Answers

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Answer and TWO questions from this section.

Question 1
(A) State four non-financial benefits organization derive from
strategic management. [8 Marks]
(B) Identify and explain the levels of strategic management. [12 Marks]

Question 2
(A) State four reasons to justify the need for written mission
statement for an organization. [8 Marks]
(B) List four components of a mission statement. [4 Marks]
(C) Explain four features of a good organizational objective. [8 Marks]

Question 3
(A) What is a multinational company? [2 Marks]
(B) State three reasons for rising international expansion of business
operations. [6 Marks]
(C) Explain each of the following strategies
i) Market penetration [3 Marks]
ii) Market development [3 Marks]
iii) Product development [3 Marks]
iv) Concentric diversification [3 Marks]

Question 4
(A) State four ways in which policies aid the implementation of a
firm’s strategy. [8 Marks]
(B) State two factors that influence the extent of centralization or
decentralization. [4 Marks]
(C) With the aid of a suitable diagram, explain functional
organization structure. [8 Marks]

Try answering ALL questions and click on SHOW ANSWERS at the bottom of the page to see the suggested answers. All the best!!

1. The first task of strategic management is ...

2. The last stage in strategic management is ...

3. The strategy formulated by those at the top of organizational hierarchy iS

4. The roadmap of a company's future especially the direction it is headed is

5. The component of a mission statement that defines where the firm competes 15

6. A business obiective stated as "to increase overall sales to decrease the risk of business failure" is

7. A feature of an objective that makes it useful is..

8. The responsibility of a business to follow the generally held beliels and how to act in a society is

9. Providing a safe work environment is social responsibility concern of..

10. Acting in the way you would expect others to act toward you reflects the...

11. An example of a social force is ...

12. Threat of new entrants include ...

13. A limitation or deficiency in one or more resources in comparison to competitions that impede an organization's effective performance is

14. A major unfavourable situation in an organisation's environment is

15. Quality assurance is an example of...

16. Legal and regulatory affairs are activities under ...

17. The first stage of multinationalization is...

18. A strategic business unit with low market share and low market growth is a ...

19. The stage in a product's life cycle where the product is widely known and sales grow rapidly is ...

20. According to Michael Porter, generic strategies are ..

Answer and TWO questions from this section.

Question 1
(A) State four non-financial benefits organization derive from
strategic management. [8 Marks]
(B) Identify and explain the levels of strategic management. [12 Marks]

Question 2
(A) State four reasons to justify the need for written mission
statement for an organization. [8 Marks]
(B) List four components of a mission statement. [4 Marks]
(C) Explain four features of a good organizational objective. [8 Marks]

Question 3
(A) What is a multinational company? [2 Marks]
(B) State three reasons for rising international expansion of business
operations. [6 Marks]
(C) Explain each of the following strategies
i) Market penetration [3 Marks]
ii) Market development [3 Marks]
iii) Product development [3 Marks]
iv) Concentric diversification [3 Marks]

Question 4
(A) State four ways in which policies aid the implementation of a
firm’s strategy. [8 Marks]
(B) State two factors that influence the extent of centralization or
decentralization. [4 Marks]
(C) With the aid of a suitable diagram, explain functional
organization structure. [8 Marks]

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