Strategic Management Sem 2 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2020/2021 Past Questions & Answers

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1. As a systematic process, strategic management starts with

2. An example of financial benefit from strategic management is

3. The top level of decision making hierarchy of an organization is

4. An activity at the evaluation stage of strategic management is

5. The overall goal of an organization is its

6. The most visible and public part of the strategic management process iS

7. An element in a mission statement which tells where the firm competes is

8. To increase overall sales in order to decrease the risk of business failure as an objective reflects

9. The discretionary obligation of a business to society is

10. The pressure exerted by special interest groups in society to control business practices is

11. The ethical standard requiring business organisations to act in a way that results in the greatest good to the greatest number is the

12. Patents, trademarks and copyright are factors under the...

13. An example of demographic force is

14. The forces of competition can be categorized into

15. A determinant of bargaining power of suppliers is....

16. The rate at which a firm's resources, capabilities depreciate or become obsolete is

17. A favourable situation in a firm's environment is

18. The value chain recognizes that customer value is derived from......sources

19. Primary activities in the value chain begins with

20. Establishing foreign manufacturing facilities occur at the..........stage of multinationalization.

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