Studies In Literature -Gender And Writing Sem 2 Quiz 1 Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. Gender is .....

2. Gender roles and expectations are ......

3. Sex refers to .....

4. The factors that indicate a person's sex include a person's sex organs, hormones and .......

5. All these are differences between sex and gender except .....

6. Among the factors that influence a writer's works is....

7. Religion plays a key role in writing by .....

8. Knowing the historical/political background of the writer and the text is useful because ....

9. Feminism is .....

10. Gender consciousness is an awareness of how one's gender affects many aspects of one's life, like political preferences, careers, religious beliefs

11. Who wrote So Long A letter?

12. These are all characters in So Long A letter except

13. Aissatou's friend is ....

14. What is the name of Ramatoulaye's co-wife?

15. Who said, "I remain persuaded of the inevitable and necessary complementarity of man and woman".

16. Jane Eyre was written by ....

17. All these are characters in Jane Eyre except ...

18. Jane Eyre is about ...

19. Who was locked in the attic?

20. Edward Rochester is married but wanted to marry

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