Studies In Literature – Gender And Writing Sem Exams Section A Ucc CoDE 2021/2022

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1. Okonkwo killed himself because ....

2. One of these is not a part of the style of writing.

3. The place and time in literary works is known as ...

4. Writers use emotive language to ....

5. In Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo uses a lot of authoritative language because he is .....

6. Which of these characters uses a lot of emotive language to describe her pain?

7. Metaphors and symbols are part of a work's .....

8. Yam is considered a ....... in Umuofia society.

9. Gender issues in women's writings include ......

10. Writers are influenced by their gender consciousness.

11. Which of these themes is very prominent in men's writing?

12. A person is born with their Gender.

13. Gender roles are determined by the ....

14. Sex is biological while gender is ....

15. The factors that indicate a person's sex include a person's sex organs, hormones and ....

16. Sex is male, female and ....

17. Among the factors that influence a writer's works is the ....

18. Religion plays a key role in writing by ....

19. Knowing the socio-cultural background of the writer and the text is useful because it ,....

20. Female writers write about ....

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