Studies in Literature – Poetry (The Techniques Of Poetry) Sem 2 Quiz 2 UccCoDE 21/22

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1. A lyrical poem written in fourteen lines is called

2. Which of the rhyme scheme suits a Shakespearean sonnet?

3. A poem that praises as well as laments on the death of a person is called?

4. How many types of ode are there?

5. The pastoral is a unique kind of elegy.

6. Which type of poetry allows a poet to speak through a character in a story?

7. Which type of poetry presents the speech of a person (s) in a dramatic manner?

8. Which of the following is an example of a dramatic poem?

9. Which scheme is dominant in this rhyme, "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickle pepper"?

10. A foot with a stressed syllable that is followed by two unstressed syllables is called?

11. Non metrical language is prose.

12. The secondary unit of measurement in poetry is

13. Meter is an abstraction and rhythm is a concrete manifestation of language use.

14. Who among the following is known for imagist poetry?

15. All the following are elements of poetry except

16. The form of the sonnet influences its content.

17. The generic motive of epic poetry is to...s/heroes.

18. All the following are types of lyrical poems except

19. Which type of poem is characterized by escapism?

20. Parallel structures are forms of repetition.

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